Jul 29, 2021
Have a co host surprise tonight, and a lot of stories to talk about, went a little long but its a good ride.
Jul 26, 2021
Officer Carol Baskin is the guest from North Carolina, come listen to some good conversation from a Patrol Officer and former P&P Officer.
Jul 22, 2021
Doc is back and feeling better, we have a lot to talk about on this one and it gets wild at the end.
Jul 19, 2021
I will talk about and show some short videos of what is like tru the eyes of a Motor Cop escorting a funeral for a former state leader along with 2 short stories.
Jul 15, 2021
Special Guest Co Host tonight is FREEBIRD, yes that is right he is back in the club house and sitting in for Doc whom is out sick, come sit back and hold on because we have some stories tonight,
Email me at motorcopchronicles@gamil .com